Katrin Weisser

A German actress who has lived in Denmark since 2010, Katrin has had a broad spectrum of experience in film, television and theater, both internationally and in Denmark. 

Katrin’s range as an actor can be experienced in film and theatre, both internationally and here in Denmark. She was featured in DR’s Arvingerne (Heirs), Henrik Ruben Genz’s feature film, Tordenskjold og Kold (Tordenskjold and Kold), Parminder Singh’s satirical TV series Partiets Mand (Party Man), the drama series Gidseltagningen (The Hostage Taking) and many more.

One of her biggest achievements in Danish theatre was in the role of Clara Schumann in Clara - Indre Stemmer (Inner Voices), which for a number of years toured Denmark to sold-out venues. Of late, her performance in Brecht’s “Flygtningesamtaler” (Immigranten), with music written by Bent Fabricius-Bjerre, has, like Clara, garnered rave reviews.

In late summer 2018 and again in 2020 she embodied another great female figure from the classical world: the world-famous composer Alma Mahler. The performance sold out at the Republique Theatre. Alma was also invited to the Rued Langaard Festival last year.

In 2022, Katrin will be on the programme for the Frederiksberg Festspil 2022 for the second year running. This was founded by the renowned concert pianist Katrine Gislinge. This time there will be a collaboration with director Katrine Wiedemann. In addition, from August of this year, you can once again see her as Clara - recognised (Clara - genkendt) in connection with the Schubertiaden, and in 2024 as Haushofmeister in Katie Mitchell's "Ariadne on Naxos” at the Royal Opera.


Mette Borg

Mette Borg is educated at the university, Copenhagen, as Master of Arts in the science of theater. She has been working for more than 35 years at the Danish National School of performing Art and has also long experience teaching at both the Opera Academy og The Conservatory, focusing on culture history and dramaturgy.

Mette is also director, lecturer, plus a popular supervisor for many professional actors and singers. Moreover she is working as dramaturgical coach in masterclasses for singers and instrumentalists both in Denmark and Sweden. – Concerning research she has written a lot of articles about scenography, acting, drama and opera and a book about the Danish impressionistic writer Herman Bang, who was also a fantastic director: ‘Herman Bang – teatersyn og metode’ (Herman Bang – view of theater and method). Recently she has written the drama “Clara, genkendt” (Clara, recognized) about Clara Schumann – successfully acted by Katrin Weisser.


Ole Bartholin Kiilerich, conferencier

Ole Bartholin Kiilerich is an enthusiastic communicator of classical music for music lovers of all ages. With a great overview of, and analytical approach to music history, he guides the listener directly to the core of music and unfolds it in unfamiliar colors, with a focus on passion, and with a wink.

As a soloist-trained concert pianist, his daily duties are with the Odense Symphony Orchestra, where, in addition to pianistic tasks, he works as a producer and music presenter, writing program notes, program books, introducing and hosting concerts, i.e. he is the mastermind behind the concert series Mind the Music; together with Danish Mental Health Fund and SIND (Danish Association for Mental Health), they focus on composers with vulnerable minds. Furthermore, he presents his own concert series Familiesymf, for families with children of all ages.

Ole Bartholin Kiilerich is frequently hired to host other events, i.e. Opera på Engen, Carl Nielsen International Competitions and Syddansk Musikfestival.
